Wouldn't it be a bit too flashy? Touching him in public, kissing him in the elevator... ignoring the CCTV and the presence of my husband. I can't help it, this Australian man makes me feel so good, very gentle and graceful... This is how we went from drinking together to getting a hotel room... it really felt like we were in love... Want to see what happened in our room in 2-3 hours?
会不会有点太张扬?在大庭广众跟他抚摸,又在电梯里接吻… 不理会有没有CCTV,也不理会老公的存在。没办法这澳洲男人让我感觉太好了,很温柔又有风度… 这就是我们从一起喝酒到酒店开房的过程… 心里面真的感觉好像谈恋爱的感觉… 想不想看我们在房间2-3小时内发生了什么事?
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