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[Onlyfans] HongKongDoll 2022-07-17 No.UORGFKW785

Category: Onlyfans Actor: HongKongDoll

We tested Covid positive in a very small island near Caribbean Sea today, it’s a long long day for us, we are so scared right now but the hotel is fantastic 😭 we will be staying for like 5 days. The new VLOG will be delayed for a a couple of days, but you have my private DM clip today😭 Please support us while we fight to recover 💪🏻
今天到酒店检测阳性了,把我们给吓坏了😭现在的打算是休息几天,基本也不能拍不能玩了,说好的周末更新要稍微跳票四五天,配乐没选好暂时先休息,但先把我最近的自拍私信发给大家😭 好好养病需要你们的支持💪🏻

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